Leverice Web API

Activating Web API in the Leverice workspace

Follow this steps to activate Web API:

  • Execute the following command in any workspace channel as a Workspace Administrator:
/createWapi -botName "Leverice"
  • Copy and save the link from the popup window that appeared on the screen - this is the Web API URL to access Leverice API

What request template to use on the URL

On this URL we can POST requests. POST requests have two headers and payload.

HTTP Headers

There are two HTTP headers that are required:

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • X-Request-Id: SomeUniqueId

X-Request-Id header is specific for Leverice. You shall provide a unique id for each of your requests. In case you experience any issues with some specific request, you can communicate that X-Request-Id to our support team: this will help us to find your request and see what happened to it. We ourselves usually generate it like this:


For example: LVRC:1617184321337:1

Note, that it will lead to no errors on Leverice, even if you provide clashing request ids, however, this may hinder us from effectively supporting you.


The POST request body looks like this:

   "channel": "channelRef",
   "command": "/commandSpec"


  • channelRef: is either ChannelID (standard 11 chars ID) or full channel path like: “/Folder One/Hello Channel”
  • commandSpec: is either string like “/post -m Hello” or array of strings like: [“post”, “-m”, “Hello”]

The example with operation /post:

   "channel": "/Announcements",
   "command": "/post -m Hello"


   "channel": "/Announcements",
   "command": ["post", "-m", "Hello"]

Please, note that in case you use first notation (command as one string), you shall take arguments that contain spaces in doublequotes and escape them. Like this:

   "channel": "/Announcements",
   "command": "/post -m \"Hello World!\""

This is where second notation (array) comes handy:

   "channel": "/Announcements",
   "command": ["post", "-m", "Hello World!"]

Of course, this doesn’t free you from escaping double quotes if they come as part of command argument:

   "channel": "/Announcements",
   "command": ["post", "-m", "Who wrote \"Clean code?\""]

However, if you use any JSON framework to generate JSON for you, usually, such escaping is done by the framework itself.


Response comes in JSON format - unless some really weird things happen which will usually result in 5XX HTTP Response.

A JSON response will contain following properties:

  • “status”: will be either “success” or “failed”. If a request fails, the response will also contain a property “message”.
  • “message”: if a request fails, message will give you a clue what went wrong.
  • “correlationId”: will contain the value from your X-Request-Id header.
  • “messageType”: technical info. Ignore it.

Other properties of the response depend on the request type.

What operations work in Web API


This operation which will result in inviting a user to the workspace with a particular role.

Inviting a workspace member:

   "channel": "/",
   "command": "/inviteUser -e [email protected] -r projectMember"

Inviting a workspace administrator:

   "channel": "/",
   "command": "/inviteUser -e [email protected] -r projectMember -r projectAdmin"

And the successful response will be:

   "events": [
           "messageType": "NEW_USER_EVENT",
           "email": "[email protected]",
           "invited": true,
           "deactivated": false,
           "properties": [
           "userId": "2Kr2uxauJGi",
           "projectId": "2Ffup62wDz7",
           "crtd": 1621414757734
           "messageType": "INVITED_RESULTS_EVENT",
           "correctEmails": [
               "[email protected]"
           "wrongEmails": [],
           "existedEmails": [],
           "deactivatedEmails": [],
           "crtd": 1621414757708
   "status": "success",
   "correlationId": "LVRC:123324:1"


This operation will result in deactivating a particular user. To perform the command you’ll need to know the userId parameter, which can be gotten from the inviteUser command, for instance.

Payload example:

   "channel": "/",
   "/deactivateUsers 2Lu3iqauYAi"

And the successful response will be:

   "message": "User deactivated",
   "status": "success",
   "correlationId": "LVRC:123321:1"


This operation will result in the Bot subscribing to the channel. This is necessary for some operations: for instance, you can only post via API to channels to which API bot is subscribed.

Payload example:

   "channel": "/Announcements",
   "command": "/subscribe"

And the successful response will be:

   "status": "success",
   "correlationId": "LVRC:123321:1"

Other response properties shall be ignored (may be removed in the future).


This operation will result in the Bot posting a post to the channel. But first of all, the bot needs to subscribe to the channel.

Payload example:

   "channel": "/Announcements",
   "command": ["post", "-m", "Hello"]

And the successful response will be:

   "message": "Post accepted",
   "status": "success",
   "correlationId": "LVRC:123321:1"


This operation will result in listing the channel on the workspace level or in subchannels of the specified in the command channel.

Can be executed on the workspace level:

   "channel": "/",
   "command": "/ro:listChannels"

Or on the channel level:

   "channel": "/Announcements",
   "command": "/ro:listChannels"

The successful response will contain a property “result” that is a map of channels. Key is channel id (that can be used in subsequent calls to Leverice API in the “channel” request property, for example). Value has three properties:

  • “name”: Channel display name
  • “type”: Our channel type id. Play with this command to see different channel type ids.
  • “private”: Boolean value. If true, channel is private.

Example response:

   "message": "Channels list",
   "status": "success",
   "correlationId": "LVRC:123321:1",
   "result": {
       "2F4CHZT7epT": {
           "name": "direct",
           "type": "default.direlc",
           "private": false
       "2F4CHZc1aWX": {
           "name": "Announcements",
           "type": "default.public",
           "private": false
       "2F4CHZgTYMZ": {
           "name": "Getting Started",
           "type": "default.public",
           "private": false
       "2F4CHZosUmH": {
           "name": "Invite Users",
           "type": "default.commandLink",
           "private": false
       "2F4CQjL8Bpo": {
           "name": "Create new Folder",
           "type": "default.commandLink",
           "private": true
       "2F4CQjV27Ws": {
           "name": "Miscellaneous",
           "type": "default.public",
           "private": false
       "2F4CQjdv3Cw": {
           "name": "Regular channel",
           "type": "default.public",
           "private": false
       "2F4CQjsFvk3": {
           "name": "Memes",
           "type": "default.public",
           "private": false


This operation will result in listing the users in the specific channel or in the workspace. With optional flag “–with-deactivated” the deactivated users can be shown.

Can be executed on the workspace level:

   "channel": "/",
   "command": "/ro:listUsers"

Or on the channel level:

   "channel": "/Announcements",
   "command": ["ro:listUsers"]

The successful response will contain a property “result” that is a map of users. Key is user id. Value has following properties:

  • “firstName”: First name of the user (may absent, if the user did not join the workspace yet);
  • “lastName”: Last name of the user (may absent, if the user did not join the workspace yet);
  • “email”: User’s email;
  • “status”:
    • ACTIVE - user is active (joined workspace and has not been deactivated);
    • DEACTIVATED - user has been deactivated by WS administrator;
    • SYSTEM - user is bot;
    • INVITED - user received invite link, but did not join the workspace yet (and hasn’t been deactivated either).
  • “grantedRoles”: Array of User’s roles ids;
  • “syntheticRoles”: Optional. If supplied will contain an array of additional (so called synthetic) User’s roles ids.

An example of the response:

   "message": "users",
   "result": {
       "2F4CHZHUjVD": {
           "grantedRoles": [
           "firstName": "Alice",
           "lastName": "Alison",
           "email": "[email protected]",
           "status": "ACTIVE"
       "2F4F6GpdtMZ": {
           "grantedRoles": [
           "email": "[email protected]",
           "status": "INVITED"
   "status": "success",
   "correlationId": "LVRC:123321:1"

By default, API returns only active WS users. If you want to see all users, use “–with-deactivated” flag:

   "channel": "/",
   "command": ["ro:listUsers", "--with-deactivated"]

The response will be:

   "message": "users",
   "result": {
       "2F4CHZHUjVD": {
           "grantedRoles": [
           "firstName": "Alice",
           "lastName": "Alison",
           "email": "[email protected]",
           "status": "ACTIVE"
       "2F4F6GpdtMZ": {
           "grantedRoles": [
           "firstName": "Bob",
           "lastName": "Bobson",
           "email": "[email protected]",
           "status": "DEACTIVATED"
   "status": "success",
   "correlationId": "LVRC:123321:1"


This operation will archive the channel. But first of all, the bot needs to subscribe to the channel.

Payload example:

   "channel": "/Miscellaneous",
   "command": "/archive"

And the successful response will be:

   "message": "Channel archived",
   "status": "success",
   "correlationId": "LVRC:123321:1"


This operation will unarchive the channel. The bot needs to be subscribed to the channel first of all.

Payload example:

   "channel": "/Miscellaneous",
   "command": "/unarchive"

And the successful response will be:

   "message": "Channel unarchived",
   "status": "success",
   "correlationId": "LVRC:123321:1"